For a number of years now I have been a member of the CDXC (Chiltern DX Club) here in the UK, and it is a group of like minded DXers and contesters who share and exchange information. This weekend in the clubs email forum it has been a big topic in the emails. Most saying that they do not want these emails and that it is wrong that the perpetrators, QSL World and QSL Creator, can harvest email addresses from Only solution is to do what one member has and remove the email address from the given field and somehow put it into your bio with changes so it can not be harvested. One thing I am doing.
Another member wrote an email to a site owner and received this vile and disgusting email back in reply – email copied from CDXC email forum – which the general feeling was it neeeded to be in the public domain.
“I emailed to ask them to stop sending me emails.
This is the reply I received.
Para empezar…. lo de inmediatamente…. ¿Quien te crees que eres tu para darme ordenes a mi? Hijo de puta , inmediatamente puedes comerme la polla. Si no quieres recibir emails de QSLCREATOR bloqueas la direccion y listo pero a mi tus exigencias me comen la polla 30 veces ¿Te queda claro? Y si no te queda claro me cago en tu puta madre hijo de puta.
A llorar a tu puta casa payaso
Google translate:
“To start with… immediately… Who do you think you are to give me orders? Son of a bitch, you can immediately suck my dick. If you don’t want to receive emails from QSLCREATOR, block the address and that’s it, but your demands will suck my dick 30 times over. Is that clear to you? And if it’s not clear to you, I’ll curse your fucking mother, son of a bitch.
Go cry at your fucking house, clown.”
So that’s nice of them.”
As can be seen this is how a fellow radio amateur speaks to another with utter contempt and downright disrespect. This guy needs shaming, but then he is so far up his own arse that he is another one who thinks he is above everyone.
SO as to be fair to all, the author and owner of QSL World has written a letter of apology to all for the numerous emails that were generated for contacts and the “spam” numbers that were sent out. Have a read and see how a difference it can be to be polite in a response to the emails he received about the issue by following this link –