Author - Chris Cloclough G1VDP

Hinckley ARES Open Night 5th February 2025

This idea came from reading an article in RadCom about a club in Norfolk that had done this with great success. We put out an advert on all the social media channels around the Hinckley area inviting any one with an interest in radio, fixing, making, CB, and any other thing we could think of to do with communications and radio. And it paid off, we sparked interest from radio amateurs who had let their licence lapse and were looking to get back into the hobby, a few who were looking at a new hobby for themselves, and some members who had not been for a couple of years yet still paid their subs. We welcomed all.

On the evening we had Dxpedition videos running on the big screen. Ady (G6AD) brought his Yaesu FT102 line up in to show older radios, his IC7300, and his clansman backpack to show the difference of them. A few different hand held transceivers were also on show. Danny brought his little interface he has built based on the Pi boards and showed how when it will connect to his radio how he will be able to work remote using a tablet. Talk, demonstrations and tea/coffee made for an excellent atmosphere where we introduced the hobby to new visitors and old hands alike. We will definitely be seeing them again, and look forward to the next one.

Thanks to all who attended and chatted to the new faces, and to the old faces who came to get a feel for how the club is now being run.


This has recently been posted on the Peter 1st Island 2027 website. Another rare entity to be activated in the next few years, luckily this one was worked by me back in 2006 when the last team visited the island. I will be supporting and in the pile ups for sure, just to keep my skills up to scratch and get the band slots I need.

Peter 1 2027
Press Release

Peter I DXpedition team is proud to announce today the signing of a vessel contract with ICETUGS that will take us to Peter I Island in February 2027 where we intend to stay 3 weeks around the island. ICETUGS, an Iceland based company, has an excellent track record in providing services for expeditions, cargo and fuel supplies, tugging, as well as rescue and camp setup in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. ICETUGS is the same company that will take Team Bouvet to their destination in 2026.

The team will continue working on securing a helicopter contract that will accommodate two helicopters to make this a safe and reliable operation as required by the Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI). We are also scheduled to sign a contract with a leading Antarctic Expedition company, Spirit of Sydney, by this summer. This Expedition company has successfully organized 80+ expeditions to the Antarctic and will be leading the Peter I Expedition from a permit, safety, emergency and evacuation point of view. Worth noting, Spirit of Sydney has organized several other expeditions in the Antarctic region in collaboration with ICETUGS, which means that both the Expedition company and the Vessel will have had several years of experience working together before we go together to Peter I Island in 2027.

We obtained the Peter I Island landing permit from NPI in April 2024, and with this we have the permit needed to go onshore. Signing a vessel contract with ICETUGS for Peter I Island is an important milestone for us and shows a major commitment from the team to activate the #7 Most Wanted DXCC.
Our team wishes to use this opportunity to thank all the clubs, associations, foundations, as well as individuals who have already provided us with their support. Going to such remote places would not be possible without such generous contributions. Please consider a donation to help us offset some of our costs for the Peter I Island DX-pedition by visiting our website at or directly by PayPal at

You can follow our plans at or through our trusted media news The Daily DX, EA1CS DX info and DX-World. You can contact us at or through our media officer
James KB2FMH.
73, Peter I DX-pedition Team

SV1GA/A – Rumours and Update

Since Monday there have been rumours flying around that the announced activation of Mount Athos was an illegal operation. These are the news releases from the team in the monastery and from a trusted source.

SV1GA/A Mount Athos (28th January)

Many unsubstantiated rumors and expressions of ill will are being directed at the SV1GA/A DXpedition team and Mount Athos.
Here is what we know. The SV1GA/A team met yesterday (Monday, January 27) with officials. OH2BH, Martti Laine, says that the team is still working with authorities and plans to have an official release later today (Tuesday).
Information received from Bernie, W3UR @ The Daily DX and Al @ DX

Then today direct from the team.

SV1GA/A Mount Athos
From Martti Laine (OH2BH)
Sorry for holding up the news release but it is all for a good reason!
Time flows differently in the Holy Community as even the morning prayer starts at 4 AM. We can all learn and benefit from the Mount Athos lifestyle.
Most importantly, the SV1GA/A team is safe and in good spirits and excited to have brought on the air such a rare DX entity.
The matter of Amateur Radio in Mt Athos is in the hands of different entities within the Holy Community and all we can do at this point is serve as source of knowledge and expertise. For us the key entity is the authority that issued our invitation/permit to carry out the SV1GA operation. Our paperwork is as clear as water but outside sources have put everything on hold for further review.
We are not trying to speculate the variety of arguments or opinions but just provide information for the parties involved. The final Word is expected soon as we wait for the relevant authorities to meet and review our case.
As we also have limits for waiting, we will make the decision about our own standing very soon.
When preparing a DX activation such as Mt. Athos many things need to considered such as operators, equipment, location, safety, transportation, licensing and others but what always comes as a surprise is the jealousy of competitive fellow DXpeditioners.
We will follow soon with additional details.
Warmest regards from Mt Athos!

Again credit to Bernie W3UR @ The Daily Dx for publishing this information.


SV1GA/A Mount Athos is QRV

The latest news from the amateur radio world. One of the rarest DXCC in Europe.


SV1GA/A Mount Athos is QRV.

It was exactly fifty-years (50) ago in 1975, when SV1GA/A broke the silence
and Mt. Athos was on the air from the monastic community in Greece. While the dedicated religious community of some 2000 monks in twenty monasteries, Month Athos is now in a glorious state with many new constructions and renovations underway.

To honor the 50th anniversary of the 1975 activation, the original organizers: Aris, SV1GA and 
Martti, OH2BH were invited to come back to Mt Athos together with Adrian, KO8SCA,
Gabi, YO8WW and Niko, OH2GEK.

The SV1GA/A team has arrived in Mt. Athos today and is busy setting up their camp, up in the mountains. They should be on the air today but it would take 2 or 3 days to be fully operational.

3Y0K News Update

From the 3Y0K website, another press release and update.

3Y0K Bouvet 2026

Today we have paid our first deposits for the helicopter and vessel contracts in total around $450,000. Paying the deposit as part of the contract signing shows a major commitment from the team, and we will now start the detailed planning.

During the course of the next few weeks we will study and determine the station and antenna setup to be used at Bouvet Island. With our previous experience from the island and the local conditions we will make sure to adapt the setup and QTH to maximize the team effort. We will also look for synergies with the upcoming Peter I expedition as the intention is that the equipment we select for Bouvet to the extent possible also will be used at Peter I. Looking at synergies between the two expeditions will make it more efficient for both teams.

Please help us offset some of our cost by donating either through our website or directly via PayPal

Thank you!

73, 3Y0K


AU2V Sacrficial Rock (IOTA AS-161)

This has been taken from Facebook. A very rare IOTA activation in February. I have already donated, even though I am not guaranteed to work it but I think it is well worth the risk.

AU2V Sacrficial Rock (IOTA AS-161)

Dear Fellow IOTA Chasers,
I hope this message finds you well. As you may know, our team has been working tirelessly to activate Sacrifice Rock, AS-161, a rare and highly sought-after IOTA. However, we’re facing a critical challenge that threatens the success of our project.
Despite our efforts, we’ve been unable to secure significant funding from major DX foundations. This has left us with a substantial shortfall, and we’re now relying on the support of the IOTA community to make this activation a reality.

That’s where you come in. We urgently need your help to cover the costs of equipment, logistics, and contingency planning. Every contribution, no matter how small, counts. We’re offering free OQRS to anyone who donates $10 or more.

Our team still needs to purchase essential items, such as high-power generators, amplifiers, band-pass filters, and more. Additionally, we’re facing uncertainty with our boat transportation due to the fishing season, and we may need to opt for helicopter services as a contingency.

I know that many of you share our passion for IOTA activations and understand the significance of Sacrifice Rock. That’s why I’m appealing to you directly. Please consider supporting our project with a donation. You can find more details on our website: , and you can donate via PayPal:

I want to thank you in advance for your support. Together, we can make this activation a success and bring AS-161 to the airwaves.

Best regards,
Sarath, VU2RS
Team Leader, Sacrifice Rock AS-161 IOTA Activation

3Y0K Bouvet Island Press Release

The following is a news release from a friend, Ken (LA7GIA), on the next activation of Bouvet Island, in the South Atlantic. Probably one of the most remote places on earth, and these guys are going just so we radio amateurs can make a brief contact with them to tick it off our list of countries/islands worked. 

3Y0K Bouvet

3YØK DXpedition to Bouvet Island, 1st February 2026
– Where we will stay up to 3 weeks around the island
– Team of 18-24 operators
– Budget $1,675,000

We are pleased to announce the completion of a major milestone by having signed a contract with ICETUGS that will take us to Bouvet Island in February 2026. ICETUGS, an Iceland based company, has an excellent track record in providing services for expeditions, cargo and fuel supplies, tugging, as well as rescue and camp setup in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. We also report the signing of the helicopter contract with the Cape Town based Ultimate Aviation. This group will supply us with a helicopter, two pilots and a mechanic for this project. Their crew have broad experience in offshore operations across Antarctica, Marion, Gough and da Cunha Islands, which includes boat to shore, sling and hoist operations associated with police force, military, and private projects. This year they celebrate 10 years of operation in Antarctica 2015-2025. We are confident the helicopter crew and the vessel will make a big difference for us in activating Bouvet Island.

We will depart from Cape Town February 1st 2026, and the DX-pedition is scheduled for 36 days. We intend to stay around the island for more than 21 days, which will provide us with enough time to wait for good conditions to land the team and all the equipment. The leadership have previous experience from landing at Bouvet Island in 2023, and together with the entire team are prepared and committed to re-activate Bouvet Island. We obtained the helicopter permit 6 months ago, and with the 3Y0K license in hand we have all the approvals necessary to go onshore.
Our first deposit of $450,000 will be paid on January 20, 2025. Given the overall budget of $1,675,000, we teamed up with a small private group to share the costs. Our team wishes to use this opportunity to thank all the clubs, associations, and foundations, as well as individuals who have already provided us with their support. Going to such remote places would not be possible without such generous contributions. Meanwhile, we invite those who haven’t done it yet to visit our website at and consider making a donation using the respective button or directly via PayPal to help us offset some of our costs.

We are grateful to NCDXF for supporting our expedition. There will be two grants totally up to $200,000. The first will be a downpayment of $100,000. The second will be a dollar for dollar match up to $100,000. The match will be a challenge to the clubs and hams that donate prior to the DXpedition. Please help us meet this target.
You can follow our plans at or through our trusted media news The Daily DX and EA1CS DX info. You can contact us at or through our media officer James KB2FMH.

We are also seeking more operators. Those interested should contact us at

Our Peter 1 DX-pedition is on track, as we have received the landing permit from NPI, and we will sign a contract with ICETUGS to take us there in 2027. We will provide more information at a later stage.

Thank you,

73, Team 3Y0K

Website Scammers

Well 2025 has started off well. I must have received about 20 emails about “how I can help your website” or “did you receive the quote”. Just to say if you are one of these scammers that are reading this the email address is blocked and goes into my spam list. I know it is a bot that is sending them but do please just stop. I am happy with my website and how I run it. 

New to QSL’ing?

My friend Charles (M0OXO) has recently added this to his webpage ( and I thought I would share it with you. As a passionate collector of QSL cards I feel that there is not enough being done by the IARU societies around the world, and new entrants into the hobby, to keep these pieces of art alive. 


How does the whole QSL Card system work?

Of course I am a little biased on this subject as I am a QSL manager for a number of Stations and therfore I am pretty passionate about the whole ‘traditional’ QSL Card system.

Part of the fun of amateur radio is collecting cards, called QSL cards, from other amateurs that you’ve msde contact with on the radio. Some people like to collect stamps form various parts of the world but hams collect QSLs. If you are also a stamp collector you will find that often a card comes from a distant country with an interesting stamp on the envelope.

Another reason for collecting QSL cards is to participate in the many certificate programs available to amateurs. Whether it’s getting your DXCC, IOTA or WAS Awards, getting cards to confirm contacts with 100 or more DX countries etc, in most instances will need the cards to support your claim for the award.

Choosing a QSL Card

This is where many amateurs around the world fail. Most exotic DX stations have QSL managers, like myself, that will have special cards printed for them which usually include a photo and information about their location along with the needed information to confirm the contact. You can design your own and have a local printer produce them for you or you can order cards from one of many services you will find advertised in Radcom, On-line services and other Ham Radio magazines.

Check out my supplier of cards; Gennady UX5UO. cheap, easy, good quality and an easy payment option by Paypal, Cheque, Bank transfer etc to a UK representative (No sending money abroad)!

Give some thought to the content of the card and the quantity you will need. Usually larger quantities are much less expensive on a per card basis.

Contents of a QSL Card

There is some information that needs to be on all QSL cards to be valid for the various awards, and also to confirm the contact. This includes both call signs (yours and the station worked), the frequency or band, the mode, date and time, and a signal report. This is highlighted in point 3 below;

1) Callsign; Your Callsign needs to be on both sides of the card. It needs to be big enough to be easily seen by the person who you are sending it to. You may also consider (on the rear), adding several other of your Callsigns in which case you would to have the ‘tick-box’ option on there (see image below).

2) Your name with Postal and Email addresses (if applicable).

3) QSO information area. This should be large enough for you to write all the data needed to confirm the QSO. Date, Time (UTC), Band, Mode, RST etc etc are all required. You also have the option here of making this area dual-purpose. DV1UD obIt can be used for hand writing cards but if the area is made the same size as a label for example, then you will have the option to overlay this area with a QSO Label (see image left).

4) Also, you may also add the details of your CQ and ITU zones, the county you are in, your grid location (primarily if you operate above 50 MHz) but most of these things MUST be added as they may required to enable a station to confirm his details for any applicable Awards he may be chasing such as DXCC. If you are on an Island then please check IOTA rules as they have specific requirments to enable your card to be valid for IOTA claims. For example IOTA group reference and Island name must be on the card to validate for IOTA.


Sending or requesting a QSL Card

To send a QSL to an amateur you have contacted (QSO) you usually have several choices.

QSL direct via the Post Office (Post Mail), via your QSL Bureau or by the now popular OQRS (On-line QSL Request System)*. Using the Bureau is by far the most cost effective route but you might not want to wait several Years for the QSL confirmation so QSL Direct to the station is then the required option.

* OQRS offers you an Online QSL Request Form to request your QSL card. Your QSL cards are automatically opqrsmailed to you or automatically sent through the QSL bureau which cuts down the time for example the Bureau by half. Instead of waiting 2 yrs plus for the card, this service allows you to receive it within Days (Direct) or less than 12 months (Bureau). Have a look here at my OQRS system and you will have a clearer idea of what it entails.

For example, for a minimum payment of 2 Euros I will send your QSL cards directly to you. Why bother with mailing direct? The M0OXO OQRS is easy and reasonable. I have arranged so that you can make your payment to the M0OXO QSL Mailing Service via PayPal or free if using the OQRS Bureau option.

* DIRECT To QSL direct you will fill out your QSL card and mail it the the person you contacted.

**IMPORTANT – If you are sending a card to a DX contact it is generally good practice to include a self addressed envelope and return postage. Do not use the postage of your country as it will not be valid for use in the DX country. Instead include either $2 US dollar bills (known by hams as a ‘green stamps’) or an International Reply Coupon (IRC) which you can usually purchase at the post office **(Availability of IRC’s is changing, UK and USA Stations no longer sell IRC’s and many will not exchange them either)**

It’s always a good idea to check the DX station’s page for specific QSL information / instructions, an exmple can be seen here;

If QSLing a DX-pedition you should first read the DX-pedition’s QSL policy on their website and/or QRZ.Com listing.  Some will request $2.00, some will request $3.00 and others may request $5.00. Personally, I accept IRC’s, USD and EURO’s but because I use a Royal Mail account, I cannot use Stamps or Coins. Sending insufficient amounts of money, Stamps or Coins may result in your card being sent via the Buro

*BUREAU Using a QSL bureau is by far the least expensive way to collect QSL cards. Using a QSL bureau is by far the least expensive way to collect QSL cards. Most countries where amateur radio is permitted are members of the IARU (International Amateur Radio Union) and will have a bureau, where cards are collected from hams within the country and then forwarded in bulk to the destination country. Using bulk mail to send your cards to the bureau and for them to forward the cards to other countries cost much less for postage than mailing individual cards. The RSGB Bureau in the UK (Norcomm) offer the services for both outgoing and incoming QSL cards. Check the RSGB Website for the requirements and eligibility of using their service.

On-Line Qsling (LOTW & EQSL)

More recently the ability to send/receive QSL confirmations has now become available via the Internet. To do this you only need to go to at and register for this free service. lotwUsing your web browser you will be able to design your own QSL card, send cards to contacts you have made and receive cards. The service also provides features for organizing cards received and creating summaries of them. Currently eQSLs are acceptable for CQ Awards.

LOTW (Logbook Of The World) is also very popular. This system IS valid for DXCC & WAS Award claims so it is widely used. It is understood that at sometime in the future IOTA MAY also be available by this system. If you need advice on LOTW then please email me.

QSL Managers
Active DX stations often use a QSL manager especially when mail to the DX country is difficult at best and non-existent at worst. You will be aware of the QSL manager when looking up the address of the DX call on or by lists published in some of the amateur literature. You must know whether the station of who’s QSL card you need uses a manager. it is imperative that this information is added to your outgoing card.

Check out my QSL Manager page at for an overview or more information on the topic.

I hope this page was of interest to you and maybe it answered at least some of your enquires. If you have any comments both good or bad, please feel free to ask by using the information on this link (contact M0OXO).

Christmas Greetings

As the year 2024 end draws ever closer, we like to wish all our friends around the world season’s greetings in their home language, and we do apologize if we miss yours off the list. Let’s hope that 2025 brings us all good luck, health, and prosperity.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddn Newydd

Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo

Joyeux Noel et Bonne Annèe

Feliz Navidad y Feliz Año Nuevo

Vasel Koleda

Froehliche Weihnachten undein gluckliches Nues Jahr

Kala Christougenna Kieftihismenos O Kenowios Chronos

Boldoy Karácsonyt

Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia

Cestitamo Bozia

Boas Fiestas e um feliz Ano Novo

Nollaig Shona Dhuit