As you know I am an IOTA chaser, and this one has been announced for later this month.
Taken from the GPDX Facebook page.

As you know I am an IOTA chaser, and this one has been announced for later this month.
Taken from the GPDX Facebook page.
“Drums are used to protect the electronic equipment so it is waterproof. All drums have been tested individually. It also allows to easily put small items into one place making the transport more efficient”
This expedition is one that is highly expected and will be a nice new one for us all, or most of us. The guys who are carrying it out deserve all our support, I had the pleasure of meeting most of them at Friedrichshafen and just wish them luck (and I hope to make 1 QSO for my first ever contact with Bouvetoya).
This weekend sees the annual International Lighthouse & Lightship Weekend, something that is close to mine and the Strumble Head Amateur Radio Klub’s hearts. This is where SHARK started and is where we get our name from.
The object of the weekend is to work as many lighthouses or lightships that are on the air, or to have more fun get to a lighthouse and activate it. We were very lucky with Strumble Head Lighthouse in the fact that we were allowed to set up our kit actually in the lighthouse and having our antenna on the helicopter landing pad. It was a hard slog up to the light with all our kit, but well worth it for the fun and camaraderie we have as friends.
You don’t have to be in the lighthouse to count as activating it, as long as you are at or adjacent to the lighthouse and can see the lighthouse from your position. All details are in the link above (click on the bold ILLW) and go have fun on the radio. I will be chasing them from home this year, but we may be active from a new one next year.
Here’s the regular IOTA update from the GPDX facebook page. This week also includes a link too the participants in next weeks International Lighthouse & Lightship Weekend. Just get on the air and work them all.
This week I resurrected my account on the Red Bubble website. This will allow me to sell items other than just prints with my images on them, for example a nice tablet/laptop case with the Red Arrows in flypast with the BA Boing 747 in the old BOAC livery, or the Fulcrum of the Ukrainian air force on a beach towel (the “Ghost of Kiev”). Many more will be added over the coming months and I will add new going forward after the shoots/air shows. I may even have some special stuff for radio amateurs on there.