Archive - March 2023

Clipperton Island DXpedition TX5S

For Immediate Release Press Release #1 March 20, 2023
Clipperton Island DXpedition (NA-011)

Since its formation in 2013 the Perseverance DX Group ( has conducted five DXpeditions, logging over 340,000 QSOs. From being chased off Mellish Reef by a cyclone to living on an Antarctic island for two weeks the team continues to plan projects that create excitement on the bands for the big guns and the little pistols.

After their successful 2020 VP8PJ South Orkney Islands and 2022 TX5N Austral Islands projects the Perseverance DX Group is pleased to announce their intention to activate Clipperton Island (NA-011).

Now designated a protected environmental reserve, visits to Clipperton require a lengthy and detailed application process. Leveraging our previous experience to sensitive and UNESCO World Heritage locations, the government of French Polynesia issued our team a landing permit.

Planning has begun for an expedition January 18 – February 2, 2024. A team of experienced DX and contest operators will operate from Clipperton Island for up to 15 days. The call sign TX5S has been reserved for this project. Up to eight operating positions are planned for 160-6 meters, SSB/CW/Digital operation. It will have been 11 years since the last Clipperton DXpedition, future activations may have to wait even longer. This will be the first 60m and FT8 operation from Clipperton.

The team will sail from San Diego, California aboard Shogun, a veteran of the 2000, 2008 and 20013 Clipperton DXpeditions.

Team members include: Jacky ZL3CW, Dave K3EL, Steve W1SRD, Ricardo PY2PT, Gene K5GS, Heye DJ9RR, Laci HA0NAR, Walt N6XG, Rob N7QT, Glenn KE4KY, Chris N6WM, Arliss W7XU, Philippe FO4BM, Dave WD5COV and Andreas N6NU. Joining the team will be a scientist from the University of French Polynesia who will conduct studies while on the island.

Additional details will be announced as they develop. Please direct your questions to:

73, Clipperton 2024 Team

V26EI Antigua Island (IOTA NA-100)

This week saw the start of the DXpedition to Antigua by some of my friends from the Emerald Isle, Eire, start. The EIDX group who have gone out to have some fun on the radio and the HF Bands. Se the details below from Charles (M0OXO) website.

V26EI Antigua Island (IOTA NA-100)

11 members of the EI DX Group will be QRV from the 24th of March to the 2nd of April 2023 from Antigua Island, using the call V26EI. It is hoped to have the station built in time for the “CQ WW WPX SSB Contest”. The team will be running four IC-7300’s when fully setup and expect to operate all modes over the nine days. We hope to be QRV on 60m & 6m also subject to propagation.
FT8 Operating will use MSHV only!
Team members include;
Jeremy EI5GM – Team Leader, Thos EI2JD, Enda EI2II, Alain EI2KM, John EI4L, Dave EI4BZ, Jim EI4HH, Padraic EI5IX, Declan EI6FR, Declan EI9HQ, Dave EI9FBB


Well not posted much since the 3Y0J lads left. Never made contact with them  as they had to scale back due to the weather, which was something out of their hands. This is not the disappointment.

What is is the amount of people commenting, criticising, and when they were on air causing interference to their transmissions. It has made me think as to whether I want to stay in the hobby I love and have been a part of for over 36 years. Ignorant morons that expect to make the contact. Probably never been on any sort of expedition. And what we call armchair DXers. Yes this activation has really caused me to think about the hobby. They are all part of the “me, me, me” generation who feel they are entitled to it and do not want to work for the contact. 

And on top of that my mast falling over a week or so ago causing damage to my neighbours extension roof, luckily I only had it low as hadn’t fully set up all the guys, tipped me. I still have some kit but as I sit here I really am thinking “f**k it, sell the lot and walk away”. Maybe knitting is the way to go, or just go back to fishing and building model kits as I did when I was young.