Author - Chris Cloclough G1VDP

Upcoming Expeditions

This month we see a number of expeditions to some interesting DXCC’s and IOTA’s. Currently on air we have D68Z from the Comoros Islands off the East Coast of Africa, VK9CU to the Cocos Keeling Islands in the Indian Ocean, and VP8TXF & VP8CIW in the Falkland Islands. All have been easily workable from the UK on all modes and bands. But there is more. 

Starting on the 12th March 2025 we have a group of mostly Belgian operators going to the Andaman Islands and will be using the call VU4AX. This is led by a couple of friends  Max (ON5UR) and Francis (ON8AZ), along with some very experienced DXpeditioners. Hopefully we will be able to make contact with this team, I need the Andamans on a couple of band slots so will only call in towards the end of the expedition to allow the ones needing them for an all time new one.

Thanks to the Daily DX for the following information.

The Russian Robinson Club are again on their travels, this time in Central and South America. Having just completed an IOTA (TI1RRC/P NA-117), a POTA (TI1RRC)  and a stop over in Panama (3F3RRC) for another POTA they are heading into Chile for another IOTA as XR8RRC (Wellington Island SA-032) and then on to SA-091 using the same call from 19th March. Both needed here for my IOTA award and both will be chased on any mode. 

There is also a Russian team activating AS-068, RI0B, from the 15th to 30th March. Another one that is needed by me for my IOTA award, I missed the last expedition being off air in 2022. The Russian Legends team operating this are also experienced DXpeditioners and should be workable from UK on all bands. 

Electronic QSL’s – The Nice Reply

For a number of years now I have been a member of the CDXC (Chiltern DX Club) here in the UK, and it is a group of like minded DXers and contesters who share and exchange information. This weekend in the clubs email forum it has been a big topic in the emails. Most saying that they do not want these emails and that it is wrong that the perpetrators, QSL World and QSL Creator, can harvest email addresses from Only solution is to do what one member has and remove the email address from the given field and somehow put it into your bio with changes so it can not be harvested. One thing I am doing.

Another member wrote an email to a site owner and received this vile and disgusting email back in reply – email copied from CDXC email forum – which the general feeling was it neeeded to be in the public domain.

“I emailed to ask them to stop sending me emails.

This is the reply I received.

Para empezar…. lo de inmediatamente…. ¿Quien te crees que eres tu para darme ordenes a mi? Hijo de puta , inmediatamente puedes comerme la polla. Si no quieres recibir emails de QSLCREATOR bloqueas la direccion y listo pero a mi tus exigencias me comen la polla 30 veces ¿Te queda claro? Y si no te queda claro me cago en tu puta madre hijo de puta.

A llorar a tu puta casa payaso

Google translate:

“To start with… immediately… Who do you think you are to give me orders? Son of a bitch, you can immediately suck my dick. If you don’t want to receive emails from QSLCREATOR, block the address and that’s it, but your demands will suck my dick 30 times over. Is that clear to you? And if it’s not clear to you, I’ll curse your fucking mother, son of a bitch.

Go cry at your fucking house, clown.”

So that’s nice of them.”

As can be seen this is how a fellow radio amateur speaks to another with utter contempt and downright disrespect. This guy needs shaming, but then he is so far up his own arse that he is another one who thinks he is above everyone.

SO as to be fair to all, the author and owner of QSL World has written a letter of apology to all for the numerous emails that were generated for contacts and the “spam” numbers that were sent out. Have a read and see how a difference it can be to be polite in a response to the emails he received about the issue by following this link –

Electronic QSL cards – NO THANK YOU

Recently I have been receiving huge amounts of electronic QSL card requests from a number of different sources, or should I say I have received a so called “electronic QSL card” from a bot website. These sites have just harvested for emails and just send them out. I have at no point given my permission for this to happen, and I never will. And I can’t believe that the management at are allowing this to happen, but then the owners are wanting the income from the payments they must receive from these websites.

As these cards are worthless for any awards I am just not interested in them. If you need or want my confirmation then please read the profile and ask through the proper channels. If you send an electronic one it will never reach me as I have now started blocking the domains from where they come, so I guess somewhere there is a pile of these requests just in a file wasting bandwidth on some server somewhere. If you are a user of these services you need to look at what you are sending, especially to myself as these are just a waste of time and effort.

AU2M India (AS-169)

Our Indian friends have announced another IOTA activation by the same team as AU2V. The following is taken from their website and social media.

AU2M India (AS-169)

Dear IOTA Chasers/ DXers around the world
We’re super stoked to announce that the DX India Foundation is heading back to Arnala IOTA (AS-169) from May 29th to June 1st, 2025! This time, we’ll be operating under the callsign AU2M (Proposed Callsign).
This is a rare opportunity for IOTA enthusiasts around the world to log this highly sought-after entity, currently the most wanted IOTA in India! Our team has worked tirelessly to make this activation happen, and we can’t wait to share it with you!
Our Website address:
Meet the Dream Team!
We’re proud to have an experienced team on board, including:
Sarath, VU2RS
Aderesh, VU3WEW
Anil, VU3DXA
Renju, VU3TPW
Girish, VU3GDS
Huzefa Merchant, VU2HIT (Local Support)
Jatin Shah, VU2KWJ (Local Support)
As part of our mission to train and mentor other radio hams, we invited Huzefa and Jatin to join us on this adventure.
Here’s the Lowdown on QSL and Donations:
To help cover our costs, we’ve set the OQRS fee at $10 and Express LoTW at $5.
“We want to be transparent – we’re not in this to make a profit,” says Sarath. “Any support you give us will go directly towards funding future DXpeditions and building a contest station in India.”
QSL Manager: Charles, M0OXO (Direct and Bureau QSLs accepted)
To make a donation, please use the PayPal link:
Important: After making your PayPal payment, kindly fill out this Google Form, This will help us track our donors and easily share information with our QSL manager.
We’ve faced some tough challenges in the past, but we’re determined to make this activation a success!
“We invite you to join us on this adventure,” says Sarath. “Your support means the world to us, and we’re grateful for your help in promoting amateur radio in India and Asia.”
Get in Touch:
For more info, check out our website (link unavailable) or drop us an email at
Thanks for being part of our community!
73, DX India Foundation

RigExpert’s Administrative Office Destroyed in Missile Attack

Sad news in the Amateur Radio world today. A manufacturer of radio to computer interfaces has been attacked by Russian missiles destroying their administrative and manufacturing buildings. The following is from their website.

[Kyiv, 12 Feb 2025] – Today, RigExpert’s administrative office was completely destroyed by a Russian ballistic missile. Fortunately, all employees are safe.

Despite this difficult situation, the RigExpert team is committed to restoring operations as soon as possible to continue providing our products to you. We are working tirelessly to minimize delays and fulfill our commitments. Besides, we are maintaining our usual customer support operations.  Please, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

“Our top priority is the safety of our team and the continuity of our operations. While our administrative office is in ruins, our production facilities survived, allowing us to continue serving our customers and partners,” said [Ashot Andeev, CEO]

RigExpert is committed to resuming full operations as soon as possible and will keep stakeholders informed throughout the recovery process.

For further information, please contact:

About RigExpert

RigExpert is a leading manufacturer of antenna and cable analyzers, known for its commitment to innovation and quality. Despite current challenges, the company remains dedicated to supporting the global amateur radio and communications community.




Hinckley ARES Open Night 5th February 2025

This idea came from reading an article in RadCom about a club in Norfolk that had done this with great success. We put out an advert on all the social media channels around the Hinckley area inviting any one with an interest in radio, fixing, making, CB, and any other thing we could think of to do with communications and radio. And it paid off, we sparked interest from radio amateurs who had let their licence lapse and were looking to get back into the hobby, a few who were looking at a new hobby for themselves, and some members who had not been for a couple of years yet still paid their subs. We welcomed all.

On the evening we had Dxpedition videos running on the big screen. Ady (G6AD) brought his Yaesu FT102 line up in to show older radios, his IC7300, and his clansman backpack to show the difference of them. A few different hand held transceivers were also on show. Danny brought his little interface he has built based on the Pi boards and showed how when it will connect to his radio how he will be able to work remote using a tablet. Talk, demonstrations and tea/coffee made for an excellent atmosphere where we introduced the hobby to new visitors and old hands alike. We will definitely be seeing them again, and look forward to the next one.

Thanks to all who attended and chatted to the new faces, and to the old faces who came to get a feel for how the club is now being run.


This has recently been posted on the Peter 1st Island 2027 website. Another rare entity to be activated in the next few years, luckily this one was worked by me back in 2006 when the last team visited the island. I will be supporting and in the pile ups for sure, just to keep my skills up to scratch and get the band slots I need.

Peter 1 2027
Press Release

Peter I DXpedition team is proud to announce today the signing of a vessel contract with ICETUGS that will take us to Peter I Island in February 2027 where we intend to stay 3 weeks around the island. ICETUGS, an Iceland based company, has an excellent track record in providing services for expeditions, cargo and fuel supplies, tugging, as well as rescue and camp setup in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. ICETUGS is the same company that will take Team Bouvet to their destination in 2026.

The team will continue working on securing a helicopter contract that will accommodate two helicopters to make this a safe and reliable operation as required by the Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI). We are also scheduled to sign a contract with a leading Antarctic Expedition company, Spirit of Sydney, by this summer. This Expedition company has successfully organized 80+ expeditions to the Antarctic and will be leading the Peter I Expedition from a permit, safety, emergency and evacuation point of view. Worth noting, Spirit of Sydney has organized several other expeditions in the Antarctic region in collaboration with ICETUGS, which means that both the Expedition company and the Vessel will have had several years of experience working together before we go together to Peter I Island in 2027.

We obtained the Peter I Island landing permit from NPI in April 2024, and with this we have the permit needed to go onshore. Signing a vessel contract with ICETUGS for Peter I Island is an important milestone for us and shows a major commitment from the team to activate the #7 Most Wanted DXCC.
Our team wishes to use this opportunity to thank all the clubs, associations, foundations, as well as individuals who have already provided us with their support. Going to such remote places would not be possible without such generous contributions. Please consider a donation to help us offset some of our costs for the Peter I Island DX-pedition by visiting our website at or directly by PayPal at

You can follow our plans at or through our trusted media news The Daily DX, EA1CS DX info and DX-World. You can contact us at or through our media officer
James KB2FMH.
73, Peter I DX-pedition Team

SV1GA/A – Rumours and Update

Since Monday there have been rumours flying around that the announced activation of Mount Athos was an illegal operation. These are the news releases from the team in the monastery and from a trusted source.

SV1GA/A Mount Athos (28th January)

Many unsubstantiated rumors and expressions of ill will are being directed at the SV1GA/A DXpedition team and Mount Athos.
Here is what we know. The SV1GA/A team met yesterday (Monday, January 27) with officials. OH2BH, Martti Laine, says that the team is still working with authorities and plans to have an official release later today (Tuesday).
Information received from Bernie, W3UR @ The Daily DX and Al @ DX

Then today direct from the team.

SV1GA/A Mount Athos
From Martti Laine (OH2BH)
Sorry for holding up the news release but it is all for a good reason!
Time flows differently in the Holy Community as even the morning prayer starts at 4 AM. We can all learn and benefit from the Mount Athos lifestyle.
Most importantly, the SV1GA/A team is safe and in good spirits and excited to have brought on the air such a rare DX entity.
The matter of Amateur Radio in Mt Athos is in the hands of different entities within the Holy Community and all we can do at this point is serve as source of knowledge and expertise. For us the key entity is the authority that issued our invitation/permit to carry out the SV1GA operation. Our paperwork is as clear as water but outside sources have put everything on hold for further review.
We are not trying to speculate the variety of arguments or opinions but just provide information for the parties involved. The final Word is expected soon as we wait for the relevant authorities to meet and review our case.
As we also have limits for waiting, we will make the decision about our own standing very soon.
When preparing a DX activation such as Mt. Athos many things need to considered such as operators, equipment, location, safety, transportation, licensing and others but what always comes as a surprise is the jealousy of competitive fellow DXpeditioners.
We will follow soon with additional details.
Warmest regards from Mt Athos!

Again credit to Bernie W3UR @ The Daily Dx for publishing this information.


SV1GA/A Mount Athos is QRV

The latest news from the amateur radio world. One of the rarest DXCC in Europe.


SV1GA/A Mount Athos is QRV.

It was exactly fifty-years (50) ago in 1975, when SV1GA/A broke the silence
and Mt. Athos was on the air from the monastic community in Greece. While the dedicated religious community of some 2000 monks in twenty monasteries, Month Athos is now in a glorious state with many new constructions and renovations underway.

To honor the 50th anniversary of the 1975 activation, the original organizers: Aris, SV1GA and 
Martti, OH2BH were invited to come back to Mt Athos together with Adrian, KO8SCA,
Gabi, YO8WW and Niko, OH2GEK.

The SV1GA/A team has arrived in Mt. Athos today and is busy setting up their camp, up in the mountains. They should be on the air today but it would take 2 or 3 days to be fully operational.

3Y0K News Update

From the 3Y0K website, another press release and update.

3Y0K Bouvet 2026

Today we have paid our first deposits for the helicopter and vessel contracts in total around $450,000. Paying the deposit as part of the contract signing shows a major commitment from the team, and we will now start the detailed planning.

During the course of the next few weeks we will study and determine the station and antenna setup to be used at Bouvet Island. With our previous experience from the island and the local conditions we will make sure to adapt the setup and QTH to maximize the team effort. We will also look for synergies with the upcoming Peter I expedition as the intention is that the equipment we select for Bouvet to the extent possible also will be used at Peter I. Looking at synergies between the two expeditions will make it more efficient for both teams.

Please help us offset some of our cost by donating either through our website or directly via PayPal

Thank you!

73, 3Y0K