This month we see a number of expeditions to some interesting DXCC’s and IOTA’s. Currently on air we have D68Z from the Comoros Islands off the East Coast of Africa, VK9CU to the Cocos Keeling Islands in the Indian Ocean, and VP8TXF & VP8CIW in the Falkland Islands. All have been easily workable from the UK on all modes and bands. But there is more.
Starting on the 12th March 2025 we have a group of mostly Belgian operators going to the Andaman Islands and will be using the call VU4AX. This is led by a couple of friends Max (ON5UR) and Francis (ON8AZ), along with some very experienced DXpeditioners. Hopefully we will be able to make contact with this team, I need the Andamans on a couple of band slots so will only call in towards the end of the expedition to allow the ones needing them for an all time new one.
Thanks to the Daily DX for the following information.
The Russian Robinson Club are again on their travels, this time in Central and South America. Having just completed an IOTA (TI1RRC/P NA-117), a POTA (TI1RRC) and a stop over in Panama (3F3RRC) for another POTA they are heading into Chile for another IOTA as XR8RRC (Wellington Island SA-032) and then on to SA-091 using the same call from 19th March. Both needed here for my IOTA award and both will be chased on any mode.
There is also a Russian team activating AS-068, RI0B, from the 15th to 30th March. Another one that is needed by me for my IOTA award, I missed the last expedition being off air in 2022. The Russian Legends team operating this are also experienced DXpeditioners and should be workable from UK on all bands.