Hinckley ARES Open Night 5th February 2025

This idea came from reading an article in RadCom about a club in Norfolk that had done this with great success. We put out an advert on all the social media channels around the Hinckley area inviting any one with an interest in radio, fixing, making, CB, and any other thing we could think of to do with communications and radio. And it paid off, we sparked interest from radio amateurs who had let their licence lapse and were looking to get back into the hobby, a few who were looking at a new hobby for themselves, and some members who had not been for a couple of years yet still paid their subs. We welcomed all.

On the evening we had Dxpedition videos running on the big screen. Ady (G6AD) brought his Yaesu FT102 line up in to show older radios, his IC7300, and his clansman backpack to show the difference of them. A few different hand held transceivers were also on show. Danny brought his little interface he has built based on the Pi boards and showed how when it will connect to his radio how he will be able to work remote using a tablet. Talk, demonstrations and tea/coffee made for an excellent atmosphere where we introduced the hobby to new visitors and old hands alike. We will definitely be seeing them again, and look forward to the next one.

Thanks to all who attended and chatted to the new faces, and to the old faces who came to get a feel for how the club is now being run.

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Chris Cloclough G1VDP