Since Monday there have been rumours flying around that the announced activation of Mount Athos was an illegal operation. These are the news releases from the team in the monastery and from a trusted source.
SV1GA/A Mount Athos (28th January)
Many unsubstantiated rumors and expressions of ill will are being directed at the SV1GA/A DXpedition team and Mount Athos.

Here is what we know. The SV1GA/A team met yesterday (Monday, January 27) with officials. OH2BH, Martti Laine, says that the team is still working with authorities and plans to have an official release later today (Tuesday).
Information received from Bernie, W3UR @ The Daily DX and Al @ DX
Then today direct from the team.
SV1GA/A Mount Athos
From Martti Laine (OH2BH)
Sorry for holding up the news release but it is all for a good reason!
Time flows differently in the Holy Community as even the morning prayer starts at 4 AM. We can all learn and benefit from the Mount Athos lifestyle.
Most importantly, the SV1GA/A team is safe and in good spirits and excited to have brought on the air such a rare DX entity.
The matter of Amateur Radio in Mt Athos is in the hands of different entities within the Holy Community and all we can do at this point is serve as source of knowledge and expertise. For us the key entity is the authority that issued our invitation/permit to carry out the SV1GA operation. Our paperwork is as clear as water but outside sources have put everything on hold for further review.
We are not trying to speculate the variety of arguments or opinions but just provide information for the parties involved. The final Word is expected soon as we wait for the relevant authorities to meet and review our case.
As we also have limits for waiting, we will make the decision about our own standing very soon.
When preparing a DX activation such as Mt. Athos many things need to considered such as operators, equipment, location, safety, transportation, licensing and others but what always comes as a surprise is the jealousy of competitive fellow DXpeditioners.

We will follow soon with additional details.
Warmest regards from Mt Athos!
Again credit to Bernie W3UR @ The Daily Dx for publishing this information.