3Y0K News Update

From the 3Y0K website, another press release and update.

3Y0K Bouvet 2026

Today we have paid our first deposits for the helicopter and vessel contracts in total around $450,000. Paying the deposit as part of the contract signing shows a major commitment from the team, and we will now start the detailed planning.

During the course of the next few weeks we will study and determine the station and antenna setup to be used at Bouvet Island. With our previous experience from the island and the local conditions we will make sure to adapt the setup and QTH to maximize the team effort. We will also look for synergies with the upcoming Peter I expedition as the intention is that the equipment we select for Bouvet to the extent possible also will be used at Peter I. Looking at synergies between the two expeditions will make it more efficient for both teams.

Please help us offset some of our cost by donating either through our website www.3y0k.com or directly via PayPal donate@3y0k.com

Thank you!

73, 3Y0K


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Chris Cloclough G1VDP