RIAT 2024 – Over and Done

Well that’s the Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT) done with for another year. Once again, we smashed it as a team in the Viewing Village, lots of comments from customers about how good it was on all 3 days. In fact the whole team who organise the show must be thanked from me for one of the best, both in the air and on the ground. Without all the planning and preparation done over the year it just would not happen. The RAF Charitable Trust Enterprise (RAFCTE) who put together the show and give all profits from the show to the RAFCT whose aim is to inspire future generations through STEM and education.

Lots of fun each day too when we returned to our accommodation at the Royal Agricultural University, nicknamed Hogwarts, with other volunteers from other teams. I must also add a thank you to the staff here for looking after us, especially Louis in the bar who convinced his boss to open on the Sunday evening so we could celebrate a team members birthday – happy birthday Dave.

I must also mention, and thank, the Royal Air Force Cadet Force who attend and help out each year. These kids do a stirling job helping to set up the seating in the Viewing Village, doing the FODPLOD to make sure no litter is on the ground and can get into the aircraft, and with our customers when they come through the reception area. When they set up the chairs we give them a challenge, an idea of mine and their officer Scott, to insert a word and/or numbers of one of the themes of the show. Previous years have been USAF 75, Italia 100, and this year RCAF 100 in honour of the Royal Canadian Airforce 100 years. We are already planning 2025 and now we have CAD it will be easier to design.

So thanks to all and hopefully see you on an airfield in Gloucestershire during July 2025.

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Chris Cloclough G1VDP