Friedrichshafen 2024

Today is the start of our journey to Ham Radio 2024, Friedrichshafen.

A journey that starts with Charles (M0OXO) leaving home at 05:00 to arrive at my house at 07:00, just having a coffee and catch up. Ady (G6AD) will be joining us shortly for the first leg to Heathrow for some fun plane spotting. We then get our flight to Zurich at 06:00 on Wednesday morning. A nice chilled relaxing trip from there on a train and a boat. 

Hopefully this year will see many old friends and new coming to say hello on the IOTA stand for the IOTA 60th anniversary. Hope all that are going have signed up for the IOTA dinner on Friday evening at the Zeppelin Restaurant. A week of good food and beer with lots of laughs guaranteed thrown in.

See you all there. 

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Chris Cloclough G1VDP