ARRL Outage – Update 22nd June 2024

ARRL outage – Update 22nd June 2024

ARRL staff continue to work with outside industry experts to ensure that all servers have been remediated, tested, and all data has been confirmed. We have also been working to ensure that the network is secure.

As noted in previous updates, Logbook of The World® servers and data are fine and working. LoTW® has dependencies on other servers, for example membership data, which have not yet been returned to service. We will announce when LoTW is open for user access. We anticipate that the queue will grow quite large once live, and we are evaluating ways to manage that potential issue.

As a reminder, 2024 ARRL Field Day <> is this weekend. We note that some groups have scaled back or cancelled their outdoor plans due to excessive heat or severe weather threats. Please use caution this weekend (visit <> for heat and health information). Enjoy Field Day. The Field Day bulletin will be transmitted from W1AW and K6KPH as scheduled (see PDF schedule <…/Field-Day/2024/4_37-202420Sked.pdf>). Your Field Day results may be uploaded to or mailed to ARRL after the event.

This story will be updated with new developments.

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Chris Cloclough G1VDP