Friedrichshafen Ham Radio 2023

The time is upon us once again to make our way to a small German town for the biggest Ham radio show in Europe. From Wednesday myself, Adrian (G6AD) and Charles (M0OXO) will be making our way to London Heathrow airport for a day of photography (aircraft), a stay overnight, and then a flight to Zurich for the start of the epic journey to FHN. A small glitch with our flight booking being cancelled and being forced by British Airways to get a later flight, thanks for the hour lost changing these times BA.

That aside the weekend will be another one to enjoy and create memories. Meeting old and new friends, having fun, and generally talking amateur radio. Along with good food, plenty of beer, and good company it takes place on the banks of Lake Constance with it’s beautiful scenery and beautiful buildings. I will have the camera with me so I hope to get some images to add to my next blog. 

If you are going to be there yourself come over to the IOTA stand and say hello, this will be in the DX Plaza along with the best DX clubs in Europe. It will be fun to meet you and get a photo to share.

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Chris Cloclough G1VDP